This just has to be number one on our list. The price of an attorney is well worth not having points on your driving record or having your monthly car insurance premiums skyrocket. Traffic court cases can get very complicated, and it’s always best to have appropriate counsel and representation.
2. Dress appropriately.
Most judges are sticklers for appropriate dress. It’s not just the lawyer’s job to dress up for court; it’s expected from everyone. What you’re wearing will make an impression on the judge, so do yourself a favor and dress in a way that reflects your respect for the court and your respect for yourself.
3. Show up early.
Showing up early may be the best way to jump the line and skip the long, long wait. This could also give you an opportunity to appear before the judge before his or her patience gets worn thin by other defendants.
4. Turn off your cell phone.
What’s the best way to annoy a judge? By having your cell phone ring during court! This one should be a no-brainer. Make sure you remember to turn it off.
5. Call the judge “your honor.”
Court is a formal environment. Make sure you refer to the judge as “your honor,” not by Mr. or Ms. Insert-last-name-here. Not only will this make you appear respectful, it will also make you seem more eloquent.